"Advocating on behalf of peak industry and social organisations for affordable and reliable electricity in Queensland"
ABC Radio interview with Jennifer Brownie, Coordinator of QEUN
Regional Queensland - Far North / Ergon
1-4 Employees
My electricity bill if I don't use air con is between $850 monthly and $1050.00 if I need to use air con over the hotter months averaging only 2 half days a week or 8 half days a month it is well over $1200.00. during the hotter part of the day .Most of my major cooking equipment are gas. If I don't use air con people wont sit and eat as its too hot, so I lose customers if I don't use air con.
Regional Queensland - Far North / Ergon
1-4 Employees
The power money grab by Qld government is shamelessly driving my passengers into an ever filling pit of business owners with no breath left. My passengers severely limit expenditure including using mine. I am in the service industry. Electricity expenses restricting the amount left to hire me and my car. A serous out of pocket increase from qote'$4,000 to$10,000' power bill in a very short space of time has left one customer who is a small business owner with 12 staff nowhere to go.
Manufacture, tradesman
Regional Queensland - Far North / Ergon
1-4 Employees
We have been in business for 35 years. This is impacting on our economy in Cairns. We used to be a thriving community but we're not any more. It is a basic human right. We should not have to worry about turning on air conditioners, lights, fans, fridges, or any other electrical appliance and have to think twice about it, and then be concerned about pay our bills. This is not OK. It is completely unacceptable and a total disgrace, that people should have to be put in desperate situations. Let alone insurance, fuel, and other cost of living. How many sacrifices do we have to make just to turn on our electricity. And all this just for corporate greed.
Rodeo grounds
Regional Queensland - Far North / Ergon
1-4 Employees
We have had to increase our camp-site fees to accommodate the rising electricity costs. If our power bill increases again, we will have to again raise our fees, which in turn will reduce the number of people staying here. We rely on our campers to stay afloat
Home beauty/ family
Regional Queensland - Far North / Ergon
1-4 Employees
I’ve had to take my business home as rent plus power cost was getting out of reach, I was spending more then I was earning. The increase at Home means we now have to cut back on food, entertainment, and not taking holidays or short camping trips. Too expensive we have 3 kids it’s hard telling them no to little treats because every $ matters. Life’s hard enough without increasing power
Regional Queensland - Far North / Ergon
1-4 Employees
We have two houses on our property we pay the power for both and meters are read by Ergon within the same box. The service charge is 87 cents each meter per day x 2. Total $635 per year. Thats a lot for reading one meter box. I have inquired by phone to Ergon about this charge and their response was it was a Tax by the government for each meter. I cannot combine the houses into one meter as I would lose a phase. Unless I go to Ergon and have a Quotro meter installed and pay Ergon's expensive fees.
Retail clothing
Regional Queensland - Far North / Ergon
1-4 Employees
Electricity prices are going through the roof. The only option we have here in our small town is Ergonomic Energy, so pricing is not competitive. There have been plenty of time when I don’t know how we are going to find the money to pay our electricity bill.
Prawn Trawler
Regional Queensland - Far North / Ergon
1-4 Employees
Our family business operated a prawn trawler. Electricity prices are going through the roof and have impacted our bottom line severely. We have to use Cold Storage Facilities for our storage of frozen prawns in Cairns and elsewhere and we are now seeing large increases to our storage and processing due solely to high power prices. As primary producers we are not price setters! We have to accept the market price. We can't get any compensation in a higher price to cover the high cost of keeping our frozen prawns in cold storage facilities.
Online shop & education
Regional Queensland - Far North / Ergon
5-19 Employees
In early 2016 we braced for an advised substantial increase in our power bill from Ergon. As business had been difficult over the preceding years we felt that we would be unable to sustain our business and make a living; therefore decided to close it down, which we did so.Over the years we saw our monthly bill rise to around five times our starting figure. In short this increase was the last straw; we we now unemployed.
Accommodation & Restaurant
Regional Queensland - Far North / Ergon
5-19 Employees
Swimwear retailer
Regional Queensland - Far North / Ergon
20+ Employees
My power bills are enormous. I have 4 Locations and pay my bills monthly. At each location I have installed energy efficient Lighting at great costs.I run aircons at each location asking staff to turn them off an hour before we close. My computers are turned off overnight. But I am still paying between $600 to $800 per location per month. This is eating into my bottom line. I am closing one location in August because after 21 years trading there I can not make a dollar.
Accommodation & Restaurant
Regional Queensland - Far North / Ergon
5-19 Employees
For long period now turn off up to 50% of building and many appliances each night opportune to us. Un-affordable or non-existent alternative available for overnight peak service operation periods. Debt Collection arrangements in place as competitive customer market can not absorb equal rate increases (too local council rate increases same situation -payments in arrears, plus interest compounding, faster than in advance opportunities). Stressful balancing act consistently. Owner/Operator's self deprivation constantly. Ambition of employment increases ultimately quashed on a regular basis. Dictatorial and out of touch service provision.
Marketing & Film Production Studio
Regional Queensland - Far North / Ergon
1-4 Employees
We have run our home-based business from our home for over 12 years now. Our power bill has increased significantly in the last few years and it puts a lot of pressure on our business. We can not get solar as our studio is in the rainforest + we are home working, so we would never be "feeding back into the grid." Our normal quarterly bill is over $1500 and we have no other electricity options as Ergon Energy is the only company in our region.
Desktop Publishing
Regional Queensland - Far North / Ergon
1-4 Employees
I was made redundant last year, I have a own business and study a degree at home. Finding employment is difficult in Far North Queensland. I just received the largest bill I have ever had in 15yrs. I am not sure I can afford another one like this. This means I have not been able to pay school fees and I spend less on food.
Regional Queensland - Far North / Ergon
5-19 Employees
Didn't send bill for 3 months?? Sent bill for 1$10,000 with 2 weeks to pay, then sent weekly disconnection notices when I couldn't meet there plan of $2000 per week repayments. Then for some reason I don't comprehend, Ergon increased regional small business bills by 11% . I Have NEVER caught up and still getting disconnection notices. I can't pay the bill if they disconnect and so close my business!
Regional Queensland - Far North / Ergon
1-4 Employees
We are uncertain of further increases and wont be making sdecisions to employ anyone else after dropping one from our staff due to costs.
Barber Shop
Regional Queensland - Far North / Ergon
1-4 Employees
Other than the rent the electricity bill is by far the biggest burden on my business, I had a similar shop in the NT and bills were much smaller even though they only have 1 provider too. . . . The power bills are crippling small businesses.
Recruitment Firm
Regional Queensland - Far North / Ergon
5-19 Employees
As a small business owner, I have seen a significant increase in power bills which directly impacts on my ability to employ more staff. To be paying nearly 100% more than only a few short years ago is remarkable. We are a 9-5pm business Monday to Friday and don't use a/c much in the winter, however, still see very high power bills. It's very difficult as a small business owner to receive these high bills.
Regional Queensland - Far North / Ergon
5-19 Employees
Hi ,my power bills in my small business have gone up $5000 in the last three years and My back is against the wall and the Business is suffering terribly with on going price rises.
Regional Queensland - Far North / Ergon
1-4 Employees
I'm struggling to keep up! Think I'll cash it all in and go on the dole. Seriously .. if I had the advantage of monopoly like Ergon has up here in Cairns I'd be laughing. Allow competition. This is ridiculous.
Regional Queensland - Far North / Ergon
1-4 Employees
The bill keeps going up and when you look at the details, almost a quarter of the amount is the "service fee". I phoned Ergon and asked what this was and was told that it was applied just because you have an open account. Even if you went away and turned everything off, that charge would still be there. Before the 'service fee', there was the maintenance fee which covered reading your meter and installation of new lines. Then before that, it was the surcharge for having solar hot water on your house. Yes, you were being charged $20 a quarter for NOT using their electricity to heat your hot water. What is the deal with all these extra charges and why do they keep changing them around? Each new surcharge is even higher than the charge it replaced. Just charge for the power used. And by the way, the coal comes from here. We should have the cheapest rates. We are affected because our group exists on donations so these bills waste precious support.
Regional Queensland - Far North / Ergon
5-19 Employees
Electricity is now the main threat to my business.I have had the business for thirteen years and have always made a profit. When I first bought the business we paid approximately $2200.00 pm for electricity we now pay $8000.00 pm. The global financial crisis caused businesses to close and the supermarket industry experienced deflation in pricing and margins. The Mine closed and we lost 50% of our sales. During the financial crisis electricity prices continued to rise even when business was under stress. I hired 23 people in 2006 and we now have five staff members and as electricity increases I will have to reduce more hours. The electricity is so expensive that we are unable to replace all the stock we need and therefore there are holes on the shelves where I cannot afford to purchase new stock. Sales do seem to be improving but not fast enough to compensate for the massive increases in electricity prices. I have updated lighting etc.
TV and Audio services
Regional Queensland - Far North / Ergon
1-4 Employees
I own a small TV and Audio repair centre and therefore do use a lot of power, TV'S need to be on test for many hours and they do consume a lot of power (particular the Plasma TV's) Also our 2 big Air conditioners are running all day (since we work with high voltages, we can't be sweating). All these power hungry devises chew on my income. We are already struggling a up hill battle with the repair industry and then having on top of all this, high power prices. It would be very helpful if we small businesses would get a relief !!
Regional Queensland - Far North / Ergon
1-4 Employees
Our electricity bills doubled in recent years because governments rolled over for greenies. From 1955 to 2000 electricity bills went down eighty percent in CPI-adjusted terms. We mainly used “nature’s batteries” – clean, consistent coal. In 1998 the National Electricity Market started. Soon after, prices began trending upwards. ‘Governance’ always comes at a cost. In 2005, the Australian Energy Market Commission was established. Subsidised “renewables” were forced into the mix. Prices doubled by 2018. How to fix it? Governments must first acknowledge that the climate hoax has collapsed. The “settled science” has been destroyed by amicus curiae briefs to a US court. The regulatory mess in the electricity sector must be repealed. Coal must run full steam ahead until a better power source is invented. The Catastropharian Climastrologists are now a zombie cult. They’ve blown our money. It’s time sanity prevailed and heads rolled. QEUN would d.....
Financial Services
Regional Queensland - Far North / Ergon
1-4 Employees
Rising costs of electricity are making it harder to manage the day to day running costs of the business and in turn puts a severe strain on operational cash flow for many businesses. There is no alternative supplier for our region and therefore business has no choice but to struggle with the ever increasing costs.
Service Station
Regional Queensland - North / Ergon
1-4 Employees
Paying high power costs to what they used to be is just making things tough with everything increasing, finding it hard to keep stock as I need to keep the power connected to have a business so that’s what needs to be paid first unfortunately and this is how business suffers the electricity price has risen ridiculously in the last few years I hope something can be done.
Regional Queensland - Central / Ergon
1-4 Employees
Excessive funds that could be used to further my business are being spent on excessive power bills.
Regional Queensland - Far North / Ergon
1-4 Employees
It is a very expensive cost for a small business owner. For those just starting out it really makes a problem.
Self employed contractor
Regional Queensland - Far North / Ergon
1-4 Employees
Our bill has increased from $300 a quarter to now nearly $800-$1000 per quarter our Home bill is the same it impacts on every single thing every day
Regional Queensland - Far North / Ergon
5-19 Employees
Since there's no electricity competition in Queensland, I've noticed Electricity prices are out of control. No matter what is done to try to combat power consumption, the price continually rises. Is the cost of providing basic lights and power so expensive they need to keep creeping the prices up? No. They need to increase prices because the laws came into practice forcing everyone to use less power (power-saving lights, etc etc) so their business profits took a major hit from lower usage from everyone. Now, they're increasing costs with no actual true real justification as to why. It's to keep investors happy - not customers.
Regional Queensland - Northern / Ergon
5-19 Employees
Many travellers these days expect to be paying the same and in some cases less for the products and services being offered in regional Queensland. Business owners employing regional Queenslanders don't get a choice of electricity provider or plans that equal or better that of Metropolitan Australia. Consequently, margins are reduced leaving our businesses commercially more susceptible to failure and less attractive to future purchasers and the ongoing sustainable employment of locals and their families.
Regional Queensland - Outback / Ergon
1-4 Employees
Reducing lights in workshop, makes it harder to work, and also dangerous as most time of the time we walk in the dark and just lights on the vehicle we work.
Regional Queensland - Outback / Ergon
5-19 Employees
We have just taken over our local Tenpin Bowl and we were devastated to find that the service fee was almost $50 per day whether we were open or not !! That's approx $1500 per month we have to pay before we even make any sales...Also ERGON wanted a $25000 security deposit even though my partner and myself have been customers of ERGON for over 30 years !!!. Maybe our Federal, State & Local Govt members should do something more about the rising cost of electricity instead of worrying about their own future !!! Far North Qld should have the same choices as the wingers down south, then maybe we wouldn't be so cynical about how ERGON treats their captive customers !!! Don't get me wrong, some of the staff at ERGON have been very helpful...
Regional Queensland - Far North / Ergon
20+ Employees
Over the last 11 years of operation, we have endured over 38% increase in our power bills. These increases have been very difficult to cover in our cost rates and we have tried desperately not to pass these on to our customer base. Over $1.5 million of sales has been lost to imports due to our inability to maintain our prices.
Regional Queensland - Far North / Ergon
20+ Employees
As Operations Manager of large employer in Far North Queensland, it greatly concerns me of our future with the end on increasing Electricity pricing unknown to all 80 employees. In 2010 the businesses Electricity cost was $604K and it is now in excess of $1M. A rise of 82% and electricity consumption has actually reduced. With current Tariffs being made obsolete 1 July 2020, it is expected to rise a further 40%.
Irrigated Cane Farmer
Regional Queensland - Central / Ergon
1 to 4 Employees
Referring to my Nov 2012 quarterly account from Ergon Energy. Tarrif 62 cents per kwh excluding GST is 32.571. This rate is from 7am to 9pm. Other times is rated at 11.517 cents per kwh excluding GST. (9pm to 7am) There is a service fee of $54.99 including GST. Fast forwarding to the January 2018 account. Tarrif 62 cents per kwh excluding GST is 46.516. All consumption is rated at 16.448 cents per kwh excluding GST. There is a service fee of $81.11 including GST. Also added is other charges - Meter service charge $9.00 including GST. This is a dramatic increase, I feel, with extra charges. I would like to point out that the rate from 7am to 9pm should be extended. No cane farmer in my area will wait until 9pm -( the cheaper rate) to start their irrigator. We start our irrigators as soon as the wind drops which could be 5pm or earlier. I aim for maximum water throw so that all rows are watered. Wind can hinder water throw. Cheaper rate should start at 4pm not 9pm.
Regional Queensland / Ergon
1 to 4 Employees
We live on a rural Central Queensland property, 10 minutes west of Rockhampton, and we are getting hit with quarterly power bills of anywhere between $2000 and $3500, this is a small business run from our home. We don’t even have a full phase of power as we are at the end of the line, and our electricity supplier, Ergon was due to do an upgrade of infrastructure over 10 years, but as yet this has not happened. Our bills have escalated over the last few years from approximately $800 per quarter.
Regional Queensland / Ergon
1 to 4 Employees
I live in central Qld. We have no competition up here, that means Ergon have the monopoly. Peter pumpkin head Beattie in 2007 promised that deregulation is going to be good for consumers and bring competition, just lies. We have had an increase of over 87% since 2007. We need to re-regulate electricity and link any increases to CPI. That’s fair.
Regional Queensland / Ergon
5 to 19 Employees
Live in a small town and built my restaurant in 1986, although prices were increased every year as expected. Lately I have found these to be extraordinary. With trying to keep in line with my Cost of Sales and Payroll it seems my electricity is increasing far to much. Profitability could and will be better if electricity prices we're to fall. In short as all business are aware it seems an increase of $500 to $1000 a year is the trend. In 2003 my yearly powerbill was $5500 approx, 2005 $7500 approx 2006 $9000approx and still the trend is continuing. This is by far much more than the yearly CPI and of course wage increase. If anything can be done in regards to reducing power bills then I believe we all have to stand up to voice our opinion.
Regional Queensland / Ergon
5 to 19 Employees
Recently started my first business I am worried about the expected cost of electricity. Ergon told me they want a $7000 security bond!! for a small first time business 56sqmeters that is a lot of cash I am going to need, they also claim my expected bills based on the previous tenant will be over $300 a week!!! seems like the little guys get poor while big companies get richer!!!!
Accommodation / Tourism Business
Regional Queensland / Ergon
5 to 19 Employees
We operated hotel in North Queensland with 24 motel style rooms on the 1st floor. We originally purchased the property in 2006 as an investment, however rising costs for the tenant, and then Yasi meant that we had to take it over ourselves. The power bills were $12,000/month, a serious problem for the tenant. We spent close to $300,000 installing 34 new a/c units , 3 refrigeration units, 39 efficient TV sets, all-new wiring, power boards and more efficient systems. We replaced over 100 lights and fittings to accommodate LEDs, LED Fluorescent lights, and low wattage systems. We cut power down to $4000/ month, we had 12 staff. Over the next 2 years the power bills increased to over $6000 per month. We cut staff. If we had coal-fired generators we could cut power costs and employ more staff. People in SEQ do not understand that employing 3 more people in a country hotel is a big deal. Currently there are 8 staff and the owners work 14 hours a day. Where is the long term profit in that?
Entertainment Business
Regional Queensland / Ergon
1 to 4 Employees
We are only a very small business in a niche market. We use a lot of electricity due to us having to heat our reptiles. I believe if there was competition in the market than prices would be competitive. Another way regional Australia gets cheated. People in Brisbane whinge about costs they have choices, we don't.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 2
My main complaint is that every quarterly bill i am charged approx $100.00 for a"Service fee" as well as a "Meter Services Charge" of approx. $12.00. This is before I have used any power at all! I know we do need to pay for the supply to be available but this is over the top. There is approx. 25,000 residential consumers in Mackay and each one is paying a similar amount [as stated above] per quarter before using power at all. That equates to a windfall of approx. $2.5 Million dollars every quarter to Ergon. They can't spend any where near that amount on infrastructure for the Mackay area even with the event of a cyclone. Not forgetting they are also profiting on your power bill which goes on top of your service charge bill. They simply can't keep flogging the consumer in this way !!! It is just not right !! I believe it is even worse if you are a business consumer! Let's vote them out at the next election!
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 2
My husband and I reside in our residence and our bill is always in excess of around $850.00,we both have jobs and are not home between 6am - 7.30 pm Monday to Friday, Saturday were are only home after 3pm as we both work in our family business. My husband is looking at retiring at the end of this year as he is almost 70 I worry how we are going to pay our power account when he retires.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 2
In 2012 our quarterly account was consistently below $300 and below the average use for a household of 2 occupants. Since then there has been a steady and consistent increase our quarterly account, the last one being $430. We are still proudly below the average usage for a household of 2 occupants and do our best to keep our usage to the minimum. We discussed installing solar panels and decided against them. The decision was based on the fact that we had recently replaced our roof after cyclone Larry removed the original one and were hesitant to put panels on the new roof without fully knowing the impact cyclones would have on the panels and roof. Our wages have not increased at a rate relative to the Ergon account.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 2
Only work part time so only 1 adult and 1 teenage in the household. Don't go out and socialise cause no funds to do it with...Ergon eats all my savings !
Pensioner - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 1
I'm a single elderly pensioner, living alone. The graph on my bill shows I use less than one third the usage of other single occupant dwellings, yet my last bill was $112, discounted from $178. The service fee is around $80 - I am one person, yet a household of 5 or 8 still pay the same for the service fee. (Yet another case of singles being discriminated against.) In the last few years I have watched the cost of my power bill rise from less than the service fee, to well above it. My bill in December 2014 was $86. My bill in December 2017 was $128, a difference of $42 in three years. I spend all my pension on just the basics (rates, rego, insurance), and everything that I can I now do by fortnightly or monthly direct debit, just to cope. The only place I can cut down is food.
Pensioner - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 2
My recent quarterly bill is almost $1000 up $400 from the last one. As a two person household we have had to cut back on food, using the air conditioner (only use when the temperature goes above 38%), socializing & leisure activities & reworking bills by cancelling things like private health insurance due to rising cost of power. I am only on a pension & my brother works part time. At this stage if this continues we will be left homeless.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 1
I installed solar panels 6 years ago to eliminate my power bill. Gradually my bill has increased over time to the point where I now receive a bill. As I am a pensioner, I find this puts increased pressure on my budget. I live alone, so it’s not like I waste power. I find I have to be very conscious every time I use power for normal household purposes. Also, living in Far North Queensland, means that we don’t have a choice of power suppliers, so I am at the mercy of the one company and it’s charges. Service Fees on certain tariffs and Meter Services charges have all increased. I would welcome a reduction in fees and charges and a Zone Allowance because I cannot choose another Supplier.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 2
In July 2012 we spent over $1500 to change our switch board so we could access tariff 33 to help reduce power costs as we could not afford to change to solar. At that stage the difference between tariff 11 & tariff 33 was some 9.97c/kwh and as we estimated using about 2500kwh/ year on tariff33, saving over $400/yr. As of today the difference between tariff 11 & tariff 33 is only 5.408c/kwh. saving only $135 and the gap has been reducing annually so it may have been a waste of time changing over to tariff 33. Increases in the service fee have gone from 0.288c/day in 2012 to 0.974c/day, and the added meter service fee introduced in June 2016 of 13c/day, With our pensions reduced by 2/3rds in January 2017 when the Government reduced the asset cap we were forced to dig into our savings to meet all increased utility, insurance & health costs. We conserve as much power as we can but we have nearly reached a point where we cannot conserve anymore. Bring back coal fired power stations.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 3
Electricity bills are having a HUGE impact on our household. An average bill ranges from 1200-1600. I am forced to work full time just to make ends meet. I have tried to replace old appliances with new, and tried to limit hot showers etc, all to no avail. I also tried to apply for the $75 rebate, however, can't get it because my bill is never paid in full. I pay $100 per week and still owe every time. I would love some competition up in the north and be able to cut our bill down.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 2
Despite all the promises from the Qld Premier our electricity bill has not decreased. We live on a hill and very exposed to high winds and even though we looked into solar we did not feel our house was in a position to take advantage of the panels and again once the grid discount stops power prices will soar. We are limited to one supplier Ergon so we are not like Brisbane where they have lots of companies to pick form and therefore at their mercy in relation to what prices they charge.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 1
I have tried everything to reduce my power bill yet it still goes up. I have replaced appliances with more efficient ones and the bill goes up. Leave the lights off. I work away for 3 weeks at a time meaning no power is used other than the fridge and each power bill rises. I don't use an air conditioner and seldom use a fan. Mould is a big issue and an air conditioner would help to reduce that. I can't afford it. And only one person in my household.
Pensioner - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 1
I am a 73 year old pensioner living on my own and just have basic electrical appliances I have a gas stove which I use for boiling water for tea or coffee as my electric kettle uses too much power, I have a qld electricity meter that tells me how much power I am using, plus a computer (which I hardly use) and my electricity bills are always over $500+ which I find ridiculous and very hard to pay on a pension.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 2
The price of power has doubled in Cairns over the last 10 years and only having one income in the last 3 years due to illness with no support has impacted our household dramatically. The cost to replace Air conditioners for more energy efficient models in the humidity up here will not be possible to the basic wage earner so they all probably go to the air conditioned shopping centers or just sweat it out. (Probably why it's called silly season with a lot of crazy's about)
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 2
I am a retiree and nothing in this household has changed over the last twelve months. Last summer I paid $59.04 above my pension allotment, this summer my bill is $609.31 above. I am struggling to pay this exorbitant increase.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 4
Not a business just a struggling one income family with a $1400 electricity bill. No air con during the day, no dryer and nothing new added electronically to our house but our power bill has doubled....why?
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 2
Working in the mining industry and on a high income the cost of high power bills no not concern me. Now working back in Cairns on less than half the income I was previously earning the $1600 power bill is way above my affordability. I have 2 choices, 1. Go back to mining and risk my mental health failing again, move away from Cairns to to cheaper rural area ( in which I and my family will be unhappy). Why do we not have competition like South East Queensland which would help drive electricity prices down.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 2
Frustrated,non competitive rate available.Unlike other areas no other supplier available.Can't see the purpose of this survey!
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 3
I’ve paid $100 a fortnight by direct debit since I moved to Cairns nearly 8 years ago, and up until 2 years ago I was getting back about $400 of credits each year. My last electricity bill was nearly $400 in debit ON TOP of what I’m paying each fortnight. Coming from Melbourne where there is stiff competition for your electricity dollar I am gob smacked that one company has total monopoly and consumers have no choice what so ever, and they’ve got away with it for years. It’s time to end it and make it fairer for consumers.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 3
I cannot afford to pay the power bill by the due date. I have to make a payment plan and even then it places us under enormous financial pressure to pay the bill before the next one arrives and that can be very stressful as other bills have to be juggled to accommodate the power bill. We are mindful of using power and 'switch off' at all times when possible, yet, the bill is always high and we are always told we use much more than our neighbours in the same area, which, when we ask, is not the case at all, they are also struggling to pay their power bill! I have taken an extra job just to help us cover the power bill. If it increases, we won't be able to cope, we cannot work any harder than we already are.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 3
We just moved into a new house 5 weeks ago and received a power bill of almost $600 for just a FOUR WEEK PERIOD! The house even has a 5kw solar system. We were expecting to pay for more power as the house has a small pool, but on our current income this simply wouldn't be sustainable.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 2
From May 2013 to January 2018 tariff 33 has gone up 31.3%, and tariff 11 has gone up 12.2%. My service fee has gone up 225.3%. This is unreasonable and this pensioner couple is finding it hard to finance.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 2
Ergon like most corporate enenties gouge us with fees. We are self funded retirees.I withdrew the cost of a solar system from my superannuation to reduce my costs and generate my own power. However they still want a service fee, a meter readers fee. What's the service fee for if not to provide the service of reading the meter? Lets cut the MEGA $ salaries of the Board of directors to subsidise the pensioners and those who have built this country.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 1
My electricity bills have doubled in the last 20 years, yes everything has gone up but if Ergon had spent some of that money during the years gone by, we wouldn't have to listen to them tell us the reason its gone is the cost of infrastructure.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 3
The higher my power bill: the less healthy food my children eat, the longer I drive around in an unregistered car, the more painful my tooth gets, the less sports my children play, the more I have to work, the more stress I hide and the higher my anxiety becomes. The less I laugh and the less I see my family smile. That's how power bills impact my household.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 2
Ever since moving to QLD from Melbourne in 2015, I have received colossal bills. I have never received a bill under $600.00, and there is only myself and my partner. No pool, limited AC usage and we are well and truly over it. Something needs to be done.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 3
Having to forego little luxuries such as dining out for breakfast or a monthly take-away. Have invested in solar which was a $30,000+ outlay - a loan that will take us 8yrs to clear. We were assured what we were paying in electricity would be the same as the loan AND we would most likely not have a bill quarterly. To date, both assumptions have proven wrong.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 3
We are a single parent - one income family and we have to consistently pay our electricity bill in arrears. This summer our bill was $1400. Yes we use the air conditioner - we live in a block house in Far North Qld and could not live comfortably without it. To be unable to access affordable electricity is a serious fail by Ergon and our Government alike. Both are responsible and should be held accountable. I would like to see serious reforms take place.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 1
As a pensioner I have done what I can to ameliorate exorbitant electricity prices. I feel I have been trapped with roof panels etc. But no matter what I seem to do the prices impact on my meagre income.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 2
The price of increased power bills are making it hard for families to pay their bills. It is ridiculous that families have to suffer and penny pinch to pay their electricity bills. In far North Queensland we only have Ergon as our supplier. So therefore there is no competition for Ergon to have to deal with. Not fair. We would like to see power prices reduced back to where people can afford it. Even though we have solar we still have a $500 bill three monthly.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 2
We moved from NSW in March 2017, where we had a choice of electricity suppliers whom would offer discounts etc. We now live in Kuranda, Qld and now we do not have any choice. Ergon energy is the only electricity supplier here. They can charge whatever they like as there is no competition to drive down the prices. We are reluctant to put on the air-conditioning due to the high costs. We put up with hot houses and even get mould growth due to the high humidity. If we ran the air-conditioning a lot more some of these problems would disappear, but we cannot afford the bill.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 2
Ergon is the most unused friendly and expensive supplier of electricity and they can get away with it because they have a monopoly in FNQ - the government need to create a competitive environment by incentivizing other electricity suppliers into the area - only then will the consumer have real choice and an opportunity to combat the ever increasing electricity bills as supplied by Ergon. Add competition into the area and Ergon will go out of business in FNQ - never had such a poor supplier with ridiculous rules. I’ve had to pay for the detached house next door to be wired through my roof and into the one switch box because the land is titled duel occupancy - even though there is a separate mains electricity box on that land -and then when I get strata in place I have to pay for the whole lot to be reversed -a licence to print money - you’d like to think common sense would come into it - but not when you deal with the bureaucracy of Ergon
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 2
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 1
Living on my own and trying to be very careful with my power usage, i find the rising cost of my Power Bill, at a fast increase, to be way to much!
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 1
I am only on a carers disability pension and no air conditioning the price I have to pay is ridiculous time they made the prices cheaper for everyone.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 2
I have noticed a significant difference in my electricity bills in the last few years. I am a single mother with one child, I am very conscious of my electricity use and no matter what I do, it just keeps going up. I used to pay approx $350 per quarter in winter and $450-$500 in the summer. I am now paying anywhere from $750 to $950 per quarter which is astronomical and too high for a family of one adult and one child (under 4).
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 2
I would like for some one to explain how, now a resident here in Queensland with the same amount of solar panels (32) on my roof as I had when a resident in the UK with electricity from those panels providing power for 2 fridges 2 freezers washing machine, dryer, cinema sound system, stereo, separate radio, electric oven grill, vacuum cleaner , and I had at that time a Toyota electric Hybrid Prius car all these charged with those Solar panels on the roof which was provided by a separate company which took a fare share of that power also and I still received a rebate of eq.2000 $ annually with regular checks by that company on my meter.HERE 1 single use of dish washer or washer dryer etc. negates any rebate??
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 2
We are both on the aged pension and finding it tough to stretch the pension out to live a normal life. With the ever increasing electricity costs we are not game to turn on the A/C unless it is really unbearable. We no longer have a deep freeze due to running costs. We are very mindful of leaving fans and lights on if not in the room. Coal is the way to go.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 2
The gap is widening between the kWh solar rebate paid by Ergon and the kWh charged by Ergon. Attempts to reduce electricity bills by installing solar are becoming useless.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 2
My last electricity bill was for $2400.00. As a retired person this is causing serious financial distress. Over the past 5 years electricity bills have gone through the roof.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 2
Rising electricity costs and rising costs of living are putting my family further into debt. I'm a nurse and work hard but I'm still struggling financially to make ends meet. I'm unable to take my kids on holidays or out to dinner etc. We are struggling to pay the Bill's.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 2
How are power bills not effecting my life. We have to swelter through summer because we cannot afford to run the air conditioner. We have no choice in supplier. It's only Ergon. What are we suppose to do? I cannot be any tighter on our power usage but we still end up with a $600 quarterly power bill. It's a total disgrace. Corporate greed at its finest.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 4
Its causing a major strain on my family. We are very power conscious and still have bills up to $2000 per quarter. We can barely afford to pay it with other rising costs of living. We need more competition here or the government needs to lower it and help.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 3
It's disgusting how much we pay for electricity and each quarter the amount goes up and up.. and Ergon can get away with it as there isn't any competition with them for cheaper prices.. why do other cities have two or three other elecity companies to compare with and have cheaper prices but cairns only has one electricity company. It's a rort!
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 3
We are both on the aged pension. We have solar panels and solar hot water. Our power bill a couple of years ago was between $15 and $20 per quarter, now it is $120 - $160. Ergon and the State Government have added a service fee around $130 plus, a service fee on their on their meters $18, for what ?. We should be building more coal powered generators, by all accounts we have the best and cleanest coal world wide.The impact on the so called Global Warming would be minimal
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 3
Broke every week from paying 120 dollars for a 2000 dollar bill.. disgusting!!
Family - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 4
Increasing electricity pricess are making it increasingly difficult for our family too make ends meet. Just received or power bill, have used LESS kw than same time last year (we unplug, turn off and save every way we can) and the bill is MORE!!!! Even when on holidays, everything off or unplugged we do not see much less in cost even though away (no one home) for half of the billing period. Absolutely outrageous that prices keep rising at such a rate and we have no say and no option to change providers! Feeling very ripped off and taken advantage of!
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 4
Increasing electricity prices are making it increasingly difficult for our family too make ends meet. Just received or power bill, have used LESS kw than same time last year (we unplug, turn off and save every way we can) and the bill is MORE!!!! Even when on holidays, everything off or unplugged we do not see much less in cost even though away (no one home) for half of the billing period. Absolutely outrageous that prices keep rising at such a rate and we have no say and no option to change providers! Feeling very ripped off and taken advantage of!
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 3
Our quarterly power bill is now $1,929 ($1449 for the house Tariff 11 + off peak Tariff 33 and business $480 Tariff 20). We have 2 young children and 2 adults in a 3 bedroom besser block home. I have to give nearly half of my pay each fortnight just to pay electricity bill. Leaving very little to share out to other bills and living costs. No social life no extras no disposable income that can be spent to employ people. Welcome to North Queensland.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 1
I'm 80 years old and live on a single age pension - I only turn on one fan the one that's I'm sitting under even during really hot days - I also switch all electrical appliances (except my fridge at night to keep my power bill low. I only turn on my air con when I'm going to do my grocery shopping - I'm always terrified if I have to use my dryer during rainy periods. I'm still paying off my mortgage plus the upkeep, insurance, etc and groceries are rising in price too. I only go out one day a week because I can't afford to do anything except get groceries.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 2
Crippling we struggle to make the mortgage. We are struggling to get by most times we get the bill.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 1
Power is too dear and quiet often the service charge is as dear if not more expensive then the power used.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 3
Our bill has increased $350-400 a quarter this is crazy. We are pretty budget conscious and we’re paying $80 a fortnight but now need to pay $110 a fortnight. Our wages have not gone up and this increase is knocking us.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 4
Basically each quarter we need to get an extension, as the bills get higher and higher, yet we seem to be more power savvy than ever. We had a $300 rise from our last bill and wr used less, the bill before that was during summer and that bill didn't seem as bad. We are scared to use the aircons as we are afraid of the impact on the bill, and we live in tropical Cairns. We dont use our pool as much for fear of the power the pump uses, so it is forever going green. We do Xmas lights at Xmas time on our housr, but for the 1st time in 6 yrs we are not sure we will do them this yr as the power bill is just too much. We are scared to use the dryer on a wet day to dry the washing, as we fear the power it will chew. Basically we live in fear of using too much power and being comfortable in summer for us isnt possible anymore. We are struggling and its getting worse each quarter.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 3
I have kept records of my Ergon account for some time. I will use the October 15 to January 6 as an example where the usage was 3263k/w cost was $903.86. My current bill from 24/10/17 to 23/01/18 was 3782kW cost $1040.10. You can see that the Ergon cost is creeping up with each bill. My wife & I are on the aged pension & we are not sure how long this will go on for. What about the other charges - service fee 87.133 cents per day. This has all so crept up all so. Than there is "Meter Service Charge" of $15.63. So you see we are continually paying extra costs when presented with the quarterly bill. I don't understand where Ergon stands in all this weather you are government controlled & all Ergon's profits go to the state government. It has to stop. The Federal Government has no idea what to do let alone the State Government. We power uses in the North were on a good deal that all of a sudden the Baron Hydro power production was transferred into the state's main grid. We should be pressi....
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 3
Electricity bills are very high in Far North Queensland but you have no choice in providers so they can charge what they want!!
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 3
There are 3 people in my house, we don’t use aircon, got rid of the clothes dryer, & use a Webber BBQ not the oven. We have a pool with an energy efficient pump installed, LEDlighting, have very quick showers (only cold during summer) no hot washing , have done the Ergon on-line power use-age test, which determined our daily usage should be just under $5 per day BUT on my Ergon bill it is nearly $ 10 usage per day .We have done everything possible to cut our use-age BUT the power bill is always between $750 & $850 ..why is there no competition to ERGON ?????
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 3
We are paying over $150 per week for electricity for a family of 4. This is causing us financial distress as currently we are surviving on one income and with the cost of electricity and our rent there is not much left to pay for food and other expenses each week.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 3
I now feel physically sick when i see a new bill. Our last bill went up by over 60% with no explanation from ergon. It feels like we never get ahead just finish paying the last bill and get another to pay. I have a debit of $50 a fortnight coming out and still have to find money on top to cover bill. In a household of two full time working adults and a 3 y/old child a $790.00 power bill up from the usual $350 - $400 bill I simply cannot justify.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 2
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 2
Power bills are my major bills. They are just going up and up. I am a 78 year old pensioner and I live in the tropics. In the summer I have to turn on the airconditioner otherwise I am ill. It is a major concern and I dread getting the bill.
Pensioner - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 1
I feel that the power bills have a huge impact on our household as we are only 2 people but when the bill rolls in we are apparently using and paying as much as a household of 4 people. Its not nice to know that you have a huge bill coming at you from the end of the quarter and i would like to be able to compare our energy rates and have an option of another provider.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 1
we are pensioners and could not afford to run the bedroom aircon at all during the recent hot humid weather.all our power is switched off at the wall at all times except when in use.bill still close to 500 dollars
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 3
Rising electricity costs mean that we have to spend the entire quarter saving to pay our Electricity Bill - with regular weekly payments made in advance and solar system that is supposedly meant to save - we still have a shortfall each time the bill arrives - being a family with serious medical issues & expenses, we are struggling to make ends meet and often will go without the essentials - like food. Electricity is an "essential" in this day and age and without competition within the industry the consumer suffers.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 1
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 1
Its putting me in a situation where by I can’t afford to live and enjoy simple pleasures at home. No TV, no aircon - think twice about the fan!! Reduced to one fridge. Cook on BBQ'S its gas!! Its ridiculous that we work to live but then cant enjoy simple pleasures at home on our time off!!!
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 2
As a pensioner couple we are careful with all necessary expenses. Electricity prices however are increasing so drastically we must now further save on other costs such as food and making necessary trips to town to collect our mail ect ( No mail delivery in many rural areas) There is no doubt the present "Renewable Energy" policies are a major contributor to much of the increasing power costs over and above the huge amounts of government subsidies being given to prospering businesses that are building and operating those "Renewables" - many of which are foreign owned non tax paying companies. It is about time our politicians opened their eyes and see that they have been conned by the so called "Green" supporters who are feathering their own nests. Whilst the most progressive countries in the world are returning to coal fired and nuclear power generation using Australian mined resources (again being mined and sold by overseas owned companies) we are going backwards.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 2
My power bill has nearly doubled in the last 8 years.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 3
In a short time power bills have crippled long term family budgets caused by extra costs to use so called clean energy. The average working family cannot afford such crippling costs and meet other essential necessities to ensure a healthy happy family in the once Lucky Country ...It is an unacceptable price to pay to subsidise other and often unreliable energy.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 3
They are making me broke! I have have had a $1000 electricity bill when it was just my partner and myself in a two bedroom apartment and we didn’t have a clothes dryer or dishwasher! Which just seemed totally ridiculous to me when my previous bill was less than $500.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 3
Well because of the already sky rocketing cost if living and lack of any significant pay rises to keep up with it, the cost of electricity is just down right disgusting compared to other localities. For the government to use the excuse of "Lack of Competition" as an answer is just plain ridiculous. When is it going to end ? We can't save, we can only work to live. We can't go on holidays, we can't enjoy life because there are bills to pay and politicians to keep in power. Please sort it out before we turn into a third world country.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 3
The cost of electricity has more than doubled in a short period of time. This has created a level of “energy poverty” in Queensland and Australia. People on low and fixed incomes are the worst affected which is sad when most of the increase has occurred under successive Labor governments – not to say the LNP has behaved any differently. There is much talk about “gold plating” of infrastructure. However let’s be realistic and accept that the real increase in cost is caused by the State Government using electricity as a big revenue source. It raises ever increasing performance dividends as owner of the infrastructure. The increase is a “claytons” tax which allows the State to squeeze more and more out of residents and claim they are not increasing taxes or bringing in any new taxes. In a recent Courier Mail article Government Ministers acknowledged recent huge increases in electricity revenue to the Government. I would hate to be a young family bringing up children.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 3
I am a single mother of 2, and am often paying off my power bill long into the 3rd bill cycle. I never seem to get ahead of my power bill. No matter if I’m working full time part time or on center-link. It just seems the more money I make the higher my bill gets. And when I can’t afford the bill I end up behind in my rent, or other bills.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland - Ergon
Household - 1
Domestic use has gone from $500 a quarter to $1700 a quarter. Still paying off last bill. This is disgusting that North Queensland is dictated by a deregulated commercial business. Shame on all political parties and the CEO of Ergon.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland / Ergon
Household - 1
I am elderly on a limited income and I am terrified to turn on the air-con which makes for uncomfortable days sometimes When I turn it on I calculate how many hours i can use it on for at its most economical level. The electricity bill arrives and it impacts on other expenses. I am now in the habit of turning off everything that's not being used and this includes the hot water tank which is nothing more than a gigantic kettle and turning it in for an hour every other day (yes, I do have continuous hot water) The cost of living up here is making me rethink if I actually want to keep living in FNQ and this includes the expense of electricity.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland / Ergon
Household - 3
The ridiculous price of power is impacting everything we can do as a family. Less money for shopping, day to day expenses, discretionary buying and even holidays. Please stop the crazy renewable energy target! This is the main reason for our power prices increasing. We need reliable and affordable power, and that comes from Coal fired power stations, not damn solar panels or bird chopping wind turbines!!
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland / Ergon
Household - 2
We cannot afford it, each quarter another high amount gets added and the bill keeps getting higher and harder to achieve. Anxiety, stress and constant feae of disconnection. Even the payment plan amounts are too hard ... Really worried about how we can afford this once I start maternity leave.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland / Ergon
Household - 3
Too expensive and there is nothing we can do about it. The meter reader takes less than a minute to record the necessary information yet how much are we charged for that service. I have also been unable to get ahead of my bills because you cannot ‘bill smooth’ payments if there is an overdue amount owing. This came about when moving house so essentially had 2 bills I was paying at the same time. As a single parent working part-time - this is very difficult to get on top of. Any extra money I recieve goes on my ergon bill, not on anything to treat my children or myself with. Ergon is my most expensive and stressful bill.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland / Ergon
Household - 2
Getting more expensive all the time! We need some choice
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland / Ergon
Household - 3
The rising costs of power makes it unaffordable to live. As our bills get higher we have less money to spend on food and other necessities. So far the cost of power has risen to a third of our income if it goes any higher we won’t be able to live.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland / Ergon
Household - 3
As a single mother, my power bills are costing me far too much, I am currently paying $900 a quarter to run a house that shouldn’t be costing that much. I try to minimise my power consumption as much as possible and I’m still using as much as a 6 person household. I have always wondered how that works. I really think that there should be a choice in power companies in far North Queensland, as it would stop Ergon from taking advantage of their customers. Also it would give consumers a choice as to which company gets their hard earned money, along with companies then being held accountable for their outrageous pricing.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland / Ergon
Household - 3
I read stories from down south about competition between suppliers. While I don't believe this would stop prices rising, I do believe it would stop prices rising as fast.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland / Ergon
Household - 2
The price of electricity is ridiculous, for just the two of us we pay $850.00 every three months, we only use the air conditioner in summer and the dryer in the wet season. We both work and are not home all the time. Our recently brought second property which we only use every second weekend is costing $400.00 every three months and we turn the stove and hot water switch off when we leave. We need choice and options. A little competition didn't hurt anyone. The prices we are forced to pay is highway robbery.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland / Ergon
Household - 1
When I moved to Port Douglas in 2012 I lived in a 4 bedroom house with a large pool. There were 6 people in that house and our bill was around $650 a quarter. Fast forward 6 years, there are now only 3 people in a 3 bedroom house with no pool and my latest bill is just over $1000. How is that possible? Between that and the increasing rents, considering moving elsewhere
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland / Ergon
Household - 3
If we want to try and stay on top of our bills we have to allocate atleast $70 to $80 a week towards our electricity account. Our yearly costs are atleast $3600 per year! I don't allow air conditioners to be used as much as I would like & I follow kids around switching off lights, fans and anything necessary. As electricity is a necessity I feel like I have to pay this amount of money & other things such as kids extra curricular activities, (ie sports & hobbies) can't happen because our budget is so tight. With no choice of provider, Ergon, the only provider, can hold us to ransom over how much they charge, which is massively more than southern providers.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland / Ergon
Household - 2
We use the air-conditioning less, but this makes it uncomfortable to live and I think impacts on our health and enjoyment. I can't imagine how the elderly and very young cope. Cairns is a very expensive place to live as it is and electricity prices mean we don't go out as much, which has a flow on effect to local businesses because we are not shopping/dining out as much as we could be. If we want to encourage people to live in regional Queensland, we need to make living here affordable and attractive.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland / Ergon
Household - 3
In a shared house of uni students/apprentices, the cost of studying and then having to pay excesssive power bills makes it nearly impossible to live out of home.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland / Ergon
Household - 3
Electricity prices are challenging the average household in nth qld, putting stress on the family to be able to pay their power bills. People going without basic needs to pay bills. Pensioners to scared to use a fan, let alone an air conditioner. No competition, so is it a matter of put up and shut up. Something needs to change!!!
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland / Ergon
Household - 2
Having moved from Darwin 6 months ago we have only had 1 complete quarterly bill. We were quite shocked to get a bill for almost $1000 which included a pensioner discount. We have had to change our lifestyle including cutting back the pool filtering by 1 hour a day and not running a/c during the day except in the bedroom at night. We aren't sure how to reduce further bills as there is no option in Cairns to change suppliers.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland / Ergon
Household - 2
Limiting when I use the air con affects my comfort at home, not using the dryer makes it hard to get clothes dried quickly.
Resident - Far North QLD
Regional Queensland / Ergon
Household - 2
I have moved from SEQ where you could choose an electricity provider that best suited your circumstance, and was astounded that in Cairns you have no choice. Talk about a monopoly! How can that be allowed? It's a rort. The prices are higher than what I was paying, with no extra usage....
Regional Queensland / Ergon
Why the hell cant they give pensioners a break, $400 a quarter, one old man living on his own, but they don't care they just want us dead so we can be replaced by younger migrants that have big families then they can rip them.
Regional Queensland / Ergon
Our main struggle in regional Qld is that we have several suppliers available, namely Ergon, Ergon, Ergon & Ergon. NO COMPETITION! 😤😤😤☹️☹️☹️ We continually hear how down south there are multiple suppliers who offer different discounts.
"Advocating on behalf of peak industry and social organisations for affordable and reliable electricity in Queensland"
Queensland Electricity Users Network (QEUN) Phone: (07) 40312 865 Email: admin@qeun.com.au Web: http://www.qeun.com.au 38 Grafton Street, Cairns, QLD, 4870 PO Box 2148, Cairns, QLD, 4870
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