Note: Changes are always taking place in the rules & regulations of the Australian electricity industry.
We will endeavour to keep this information up to date for your benefit & understanding.

What are the components of an electricity bill in Queensland?

  • Wholesale generation : 25% (approx.)
    65% of the wholesale generation capacity in Queensland is owned by the Queensland Government

  • Networks (Poles & Wires) : 50% (approx.)
    100% of the transmission and distribution networks are owned by the Queensland Government

  • Retailer : 25% (approx.)
    In regional Queensland the electricity retailer selling electricity to almost all residential & small business customers is the 100% Queensland Government owned Ergon Energy.

    Ergon Energy sells electricity to over 730,000 points of connection to residential & business customers. This means that the 100% Queensland Government owned Ergon Energy is almost the exclusive seller of electricity to 97% of the geographic area of Queensland.

    South east Queensland residential and small business customers can purchase electricity from around 17 retailers; none of whom are owned by the Queensland Government. There are over 1.4 million points of connection to residential & business customers in south east Queensland.

Source: QEUN (Queensland Electricity Users Network)


The Queensland Government is responsible for setting the regulated retail electricity prices for regional Queensland. Ergon Energy is only allowed to charge customers the regulated retail electricity prices.

National Issues

  • Surging wholesale electricity prices

    Current investigation into electricity supply & pricing by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC).
    ACCC's preliminary report is due to the Federal Minister by 27th September 2017 and a final report must be submitted by 30th June 2018.
    An issues paper has been released and is linked here. Submissions to the issues paper closed 30th June 2017.

    Source: Australian Energy Market Operator

  • Exorbitant Network Revenues

    The issue of exorbitant network revenue caps needs to be addressed by the National Electricity Rules. Millions of dollars has been wasted at the Australian Competition Tribunal / Federal Court addressing this issue.

    A review is in progress and we hope for good results.
  • Retailer Profits

    Current investigation by the ACCC’s Electricity Supply & Prices Inquiry.
    The inquiry will also investigate the market power of the 3 dominant gentailers (retailers with generation) who between them control in excess of 80% of the national retail electricity market, other than regional Queensland. Regional Queensland small business and residential customers are captive to Ergon Energy.
  • Blueprint for the National Energy System

    The Finkel Review, chaired by Australia's chief scientist Dr Alan Finkel, has delivered their final report to COAG Leaders (Council of Australian Governments) on 9th June, 2017. For more information on the Finkel Report click here.

Registered electricity generation capacity by fuel source

Coal Gas Hydro Other
68% 20% 6% 4% 3% 0.1%
8103MW 2337MW 664MW 453MW 414MW 12MW

Source: QEUN from Australian Energy Regulator

Source: QEUN from Australian Energy Regulator

Electricity Flow & Prices

Australian Energy Market Operator : Data Dashboard

Real time generation verses demand and real time prices. The flow chart will help you understand the interactions of generation and demand between the states of Australia.

A balanced national electricity system ensures that reliability of supply is maintained. The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) is tasked with the responsibility of ensuring reliable and secure supply.

CLICK HERE : Watch the LIVE feed : National Electricity Market Overview

National Electricity Framework

The Council of Australian Governments (COAG) signed the Australian Energy Market Agreement in 2004.

This is the national legal framework that commits COAG to operate the National Electricity Market in the long term interests of consumers.

COAG receives advice from four independent entities. COAG has committed to agree to a new Australian Energy Market Agreement by mid-2018.

Source: QEUN

"Advocating on behalf of peak industry and social organisations for affordable and reliable electricity in Queensland"


Queensland Electricity Users Network (QEUN)
Phone: (07) 40312 865
38 Grafton Street, Cairns, QLD, 4870
PO Box 2148, Cairns, QLD, 4870


About Us
Media Releases
Media Mentions
Finkel Report
Daintree Survey Report
Business Electricity Survey Report

Understanding Electricity
Bills Components
National Issues
Electricity Flow & Prices


Business Electricity Survey

Business Electricity Survey Print PDF
Mareeba Flyer Print PDF
Southern Downs Flyer Print PDF